Bits and Pizzas, Jindabyne
Customary Pizza Dinner
This will be the last post featuring places that I've eaten at whilst at a snow trip (for this year at least :P). As I mentioned in an earlier post, pizza seems to be the traditional dinner fare on any ski trip.
This time, we ventured out into the quiet town of JINDABYNE! From memory when we visited Jindabyne last year, Bits and Pizzas was a pretty cosy and yummy local pizza joint located on the strip of shops which is known as the town centre. However, choosing a pizza place based on memories from a year ago seemed to cause a bit of tension in our gourp, but after a heated kerfuffle, we eventually made it to Bits and Pizzas....
The place is pretty small and mainly caters for takeaway or delivery orders, but there is a few booths to sit at and a stooled bench at the window.
Given that we had around 12 people, and considering that we ordered 10 large pizzas, I think we may have slightly over ordered....
First up was the garlic pizza, which in hindsight we shouldn't have ordered as we also had garlic was garlicy and cheesy....but not much flavour other than that....a good substitute for garlic bread but not much else...
Next up was the Jindabyne Special, which was probably the highlight pizza of the place (naturally). Toppings included the usual, plus pepperoni, ham, bacon, mushrooms and...EGG! Not usually seen on pizza, but adds some depth to it I must say....
The highlight pizza was followed by the low light pizza....this being the Chicken has everything you can see below annd the green stuff was.....ASPARAGUS!!
Whoever thought that Asparagus would be tasty on pizza needs to be shot. (Them and also the person that invited Kim Chi Pizza - another story :P). The Asparagus was severly overcooked and tasted like grass and the stringy texture is not something you want to be biting into whilst eating a pizza.
Last but not least, was the BBQ meat lovers- everything you would expect from a good meaty pizza, but nothing too exciting.
Overall, the pizzas ranged from $15-20 dollars which isn't bad considering that it is peak snow season for the town. One observation I did make of the pizzas was that the cheese tasted different.... a bit more rubbery and oily than I would have expected...but that might be just me...
Bits and Pizzas
Jindabyne Town Centre
Next to the Pub
This entry was posted on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by Ski Hire Jindabyne - March 14, 2011 at 4:56 PM
As for me, I believe Jindabyne is the best holiday destinations in Australia. It is a town in south-east of New South Wales. It overlooks Lake Jindabyne near the Snowy Mountains. It is a great place to ski and snowboard with friends and family since it is one of the highest settlements of its size in Australia.